参考基因组可以用亲缘关系很近的物种序列,例如同一个物种的不同菌株测序,可以用该种模式菌株的基因组序列作为reference sequence。

1. Mapping contigs onto reference genome

1.1 Make the BLAST database with the reference genome

$makeblastdb -in reference.fasta -dbtype nucl -parse_seqids -out ref_db
$blastdbcmd -db ref_db -info

1.2 Run the BLAST query with contigs

$ blastn -task blastn -query contigs.fasta -db ref_db -parse_deflines -evalue 0.0001 -outfmt 6 -out blast.tab

1.3 Convert BLAST tabular format into BED format

BED format is a format that IGV can accept. You need to have a few column in this file format:

“chrom start end name score, ….”
These fields are already present in the BLAST tabular format result:
‘qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore’
To convert to BED format, assuming query is your contigs and subject is the reference:
“subjectID, subjectStart - 1, subjectEnd, queryID:queryStart-queryEnd”

  1. you might need to swap subjectStart and subjectEnd, depending on which one is larger.
  2. use tab instead of comma in the final BED file.

1.4 Visualization with IGV

The final BED file can be visualized with IGV.

2. 最新版BLAST+支持直接用IGV显示

  • 最新版blastn支持SAM output format:**-outfmt 17**
    参见:NCBI working on SAM output from BLAST+ (https://blastedbio.blogspot.com/2015/07/ncbi-working-on-sam-output-from-blast.html)

  • 但输出SAM格式还有一个问题,Query name不能被输出到sam文件对应的序列。
    可以通过 -parse_deflines来解决:

    $makeblastdb -dbtype nucl -in contigseq.fasta -parse_seqids -out testdb
    $blastn -query genomeseq.fasta -parse_deflines -db testdb -evalue 0.0001 -outfmt 17 -out test.sam

    注意:这里query是reference序列文件,而subject是contigs序列, 所以需要用contigs序列建库,与前面tabular format的过程相反。

  • 输出文件test.sam可直接导入IGV中观察两基因组的比对情况。
    IGV需要以这里的genomeseq.fasta做为reference genome (Genomes->Create .genome file…).